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Town of North East

Dutchess County

12546, Address of Municipal Building, North East Town Hall, Millerton, NY, Town of North East, Hamlets (Communities), Villages, Millerton, Dutchess County Demographics, Demographics for Millerton, Metro-North Train Station to Grand Central in Manhattan Municipality

Address of Municipal Building
North East Town Hall
19 North Maple Avenue
Millerton, NY 12546
Dutchess County
(518) 789-3300

Town of North East
The Town of North East, with a total area of 43.7 square miles, is located in the northeastern corner of Dutchess County in the mid-Hudson Valley. The North East Town Hall is approximately 99.6 miles to midtown Manhattan (measured to Rockefeller Plaza) and 63.3 miles to the New York State Capital in Albany.
    Hamlets (Communities)
    Boston Corner
    Coleman Station
    Mount Riga
    Northeast Center
    Sharon Station
    Spencer's Corners
    State Line
    Whitehouse Crossing


    Dutchess County Demographics
    Demographics for Millerton - Zip Code 12546

    Metro-North Train Station to Grand Central in Manhattan
    MTA Train Station in Wassaic 11.1 miles from North East Town Hall and 82 miles to Grand Central Station.

    Amtrak Train Stations
    Amtrak Train Stations in Dutchess (Southbound trains to Penn Station in Manhattan; and northbound trains to Hudson and Albany - Rensselaer)

Location: North East

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