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Pocantico Hills Central School

Pocantico Hills

Westchester County

10591 Hudson River Valley Sleepy Hollow House Primary Pocantico Hills Central School

Pocantico Hills Central School is located at 599 Bedford Road, Sleepy Hollow, NY 10591 in Westchester County. Pocantico is located east of Sleepy Hollow in the Hudson River Valley. The Pocantico Hills Central School is comprised of the following schools:

Middle School in Sleepy Hollow (914) 914-631-2440
Intermediate Housein Sleepy Hollow (914) 914-631-2440
Primary Housein Sleepy Hollow (914) 914-631-2440

In 1931, workers laid the cornerstone for the Pocantico Hills Central School. For 75 years this school has educated generations and been the center of our community. We have grown in size, in experience and in meeting the challenges of an ever-changing world. The school is organized into three Houses; Primary, Intermediate, and Middle School. Teachers and students can collaborate within these work groups to share information and resources. Our Strategic Framework is the blueprint for the School District and guides us in prioritizing and achieving annual goals.

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Location: Pocantico Hills

Public Schools | Pocantico Hills School Districts | Westchester Public Schools | Hudson Valley

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